Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Fighting in Libya

So the fighting in Libya continues. Whereas in other North African and Middle Eastern countries have harbored relatively peaceful demonstrations, Libya turned sour fast (I now note that my father's prediction of this was true). And now the country seems to be moving closer and closer to civil war and it's quite scary. I think this is especially worrisome to me because this is really the first time something like this has happened in my lifetime. I have read of violent and epic revolutions in the past, but in those cases the outcomes were already known; the timeline was fixed and predetermined. Here, nobody knows what is going to happen.

In world history class, we have learned much about Ancient Rome. It is interesting, studying the fall of the Roman Empire, to see all of the littler groups of people, growing in an empire, until it all dissolves. Now Libya is being separated; pro-government and anti-government peopel squaring off, with tensions increasing, as illustrated in the video.

This, like any other revolution and/or civil war, has untold implications for the world. This is especially true considering the vast amounts of oil that just so happen to be in Libya. This presents an interesting case of a joining of interests. Normally, it seems that big corporations and their lobbyists are against the good people of the world. But now, everybody wants the situation to cool; the companies because they want control over their assets, and people like myself who are just concerned for the well-being of the good people of Libya.

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