Wednesday, March 16, 2011

More Violence in Bahrain,0,349653.story

Well isn't this horrible. Riot police and soldiers cracked down on the pro-democracy tent city in a town square. The fired tear gas and used armored vehicles to disperse the crowd, and they occasionally used shotguns. Yes, shot guns and not with rubber bullets in them. At least two demonstrators were killed and more injured. Cars carrying the wounded were shot at as they were driving to the hospital. The majority of the population is Shiite Muslim while the government is mostly Sunni.

What is this? Why aren't there calls for action? This isn't like Libya, where there are militia groups with weapons, these people were sleeping in tents. Their only weapons were literally sticks and stones, and they get shot at as they are being rushed to the hospital. If anything REMOTELY like this happened anywhere NEAR the United States there would be an international outcry. Where are the troops in Bahrain? Some people say it's not our business. Well I think if innocent people are being killed it's EVERYONE'S business.

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